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    Upcoming Events (10)

    Industry 4.0 Data Driven Factories Event
    Tue, May 07 08:00 - 14:00 IST
    Data, analytics, and AI conference in the advanced enterprise Sector. presentation of models, technologies and applications in factories, leading to improved productivity, competitiveness and innovation Through data-based decision making and advanced analytics.
    Modern Web Development in Practice: Performance Case Study and AI Driven Apps
    Thu, May 09 18:00 - 20:00 IST
    Modern Web Development in Practice: Performance Case Study and AI-driven Apps Thursday, May 9, 2024 18:00-20:00 Taboola offices, Atrium Tower, Zeev Jabotinsky St 2, Ramat Gan , 23rd floor
    Tue, May 28 09:30 - Wed, May 29 15:00 IST
    The New-Tech INDUSTRY 4.O – SMART FACTORY conference is a communication and networking event for the entire manufacturing sector. Developers, experts, and decision-makers from the manufacturing industry in Israel and abroad convene here to glean information about significant technology trends. Conference participants exchange information about specific topics that play an important role in the transformation of the entire industry.
    AUTOMOTIVE 2024 – Design & Development Conference
    Tue, May 28 09:30 - Wed, May 29 15:00 IST
    The New-Tech Automotive Design & Development Conference is a communication and networking event for the entire automotive sector. Developers, experts, and decision-makers from the automotive industry in Israel and abroad convene here to glean information about significant technology trends and strategies in the international automotive industry.
    OPTO-TECH 2024
    Tue, May 28 09:30 - 15:00 IST
    Opto-Tech is Israel’s premier conference for innovative advances, research, and new technologies from the Electro-Optic industry. With 1 day of technical sessions & exhibition, Opto-Tech highlights the latest research, applications, and market-ready technologies in all areas of Electro-Optic, lasers, and photonics.
    Israeli Energy Tech All Stars Event | Ignite the Spark
    Wed, Jun 19
    Annual Energy Tech All- Stars Investors event, an official side event of OurCrowd’s Global Investor Summit, that showcases the top Israeli Energy Tech Start- ups at various levels of funding. Including a pre workshop that prepares the selected startups for the main event. Also, leading up to the main event, monthly pitches to a group ofpartners with feedback to be broadcasted live.
    The Zero to One Building Conference
    Thu, Jun 20
    Buildcon is the first tech conference dedicated entirely to builders. founders, early employees in various roles, executives, and founder-curious operators – as they make their journey from Zero to One.
    Blue Tech Summit IL.24
    Tue, Sep 17 09:00 - 16:30 IST
    Wed, Oct 30 - Thu, Oct 31
    DevOpsDays Tel Aviv is part of the global devopsdays event series, bringing in participants from the entire global devopsdays community. To learn more, you can visit our event on the main website. Join leading industry speakers along with DevOps, SRE, platform, production and operations engineers for two full days of sessions focusing on best practices in modern engineering - from the infrastructure and operations to the systems and processes.
    ServiceNow Summit: Israel 2024
    Wed, Nov 20 09:00 - 14:30 IST
    Discover how the world works with ServiceNow. See our platform in action in real-time, engage with our partner community, and learn how to accelerate innovation at scale to create new value. Get ready to go out energized, and make the world and your work work better! Hagan BeShefyim | , Kibbutz Shefyim, Israel
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