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Resonetics Announces Acquisition of EaglePicher Medical Power
Nov 3, 2020
Resonetics Acquires Medical Business of Hutchinson Technology, Inc.
Jun 23, 2019
Resonetics expands investment in Medibrane
#Investment #Partners
Oct 24, 2018
Israel's STI Laser Industries acquired by Resonetics - Forbes Israel
Resonetics is a pioneer in laser micro manufacturing and provides contract manufacturing services to the life sciences industry. The company designs, builds and services its own laser workstations to solve complex manufacturing challenges. Resonetics also offers thin-wall, stainless steel tubing, precious metal radiopaque marker bands and nitinol processing.
Resonetics Israel was created following the acquisition of STI Laser Industries. The acquisition broadens Resonetics nitinol processing capabilities, an important capability to serve it growing interventional business.