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משרד הכלכלה פירסם כוונת התקשרות: התקשרות במיזם משותף עם חברת Retail Innovation Club במסגרת הקמת קהילת חדשנות בתחום המסחר
Nov 3, 2020
להעמיס את העגלה ופשוט לצאת מהסופר: הסטארטאפים שיעיפו לכם את המוח - וואלה! כסף
#Customers, Partners, Expand
Jul 7, 2020
Innovation Accelerator Focuses On Retail
Jun 24, 2020
Israel's Retail Innovation Club Unveils New Technologies to Get Brick & Mortar Stores Back on Track Following COVID Lockdown
The Retail Innovation Club is a community of leaders in the retail industry.
With a network of groundbreaking retail brands and exciting retail-tech startups, its common mission is to truly understand the needs, challenges and opportunities of the industry and to innovate the world of retail.
Bridging the technological gap between the retail industry and Israels revolutionary retail-tech ecosystem, it connects between major retail and commercial real estate companies and innovative ventures bringing creative solutions to the market.
Crafting a tailored approach to each new member of their Club, the community strives to match its members with solutions relevant to their unique requirements, and to cultivate relationships between members and experts in their areas of need.
By exposing their members to opportunities alongside key players in the industry, the community creates immeasurable value in the market and seeks to redefine the global shopping experience.