TouchMedical is an Israeli medical technology company focused on the development of the smallest and lowest cost patch pump, with improved safety technology and accuracy, for the medical market. The novel pump technology developed by TouchMedical will be able to reduce significantly the cost of manufacturing the pump and associated disposable parts, overcoming the main barrier of cost to the current use of patch pumps, and for the first time making these pumps available for widespread use in the treatment of drug delivery.
TouchMedicals goal is to develop patch pumps which are affordable and available to all patients worldwide.
The status: The TouchMedical pump is currently at the prototype development stage and has so far been supported by excellent technical results (and has been endorsed by Key Opinion Leaders).
The Market: The drug delivery market is very large and costly and the TouchMedical patch pump has the potential to become a game-changer due to the very low cost at which TouchMedical is able to manufacture the pump and the disposable parts. TouchMedical believes it will be able to supply the pump free of charge while making its revenues from the reimbursement price of the disposable parts.
IP: TouchMedical have 7 provisionals and one PCT, we are going with one of the IP direct to patent stage. During the development we search for the freedom to operate and read 900 patents. The knowledge enables us to develop the pump with clear status even in such IP crowed field.
Design for Manufacturing: we are working very close with a big medical manufacturing company.
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