Tal is CEO & Co-Founder of Medivizor (http://medivizor.com) - leading a revolution in how health information should be presented - by making it personal.
What's Medivizor?
When people cope with serious or chronic illness, someone often becomes what I call a "chronic web researcher" - looking for everything and anything that can help. However, despite endless amount of health information, finding the cutting-edge information that is current, trustworthy, and relevant to the specific situation is nearly impossible. Medivizor is trying to make the world better by personalizing health information and solving for this important and unmet need.
Before Medivizor Tal helped bring to life DarioHealth's all-in-one blood glucose system - stylish and compact hardware/software combination.
More broadly: Tal has over 25 years of technologies and software development experience, and has held management positions in R&D and Product Management at Amdocs, XACCT, DarioHealth and other companies. As Amdocs Chief Scientist, Tal led all innovation activities across Amdocs (a public $3B company with over 20,000 employees), including a variety of innovation and incubation programs. Tal has over 30 patents to his credit, and is recognized for his passion for, and expertise in innovation by frequently being asked to speak at major industry events such as TeleManagement World, Mobile World Congress, CTIA and Billing & OSS World. He has been actively in industry consortiums including IETF, ATIS and TM Forum, serving on various committees and boards.
Specialties: Creating and realizing visions, innovation, creativity, invention, execution, facilitation, public speaking, predicting the future, blogging, software architecture, product management, software development, and HAVING FUN while doing it.
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