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    News Analysis

    EdTech companies

    These companies specialize in creating cutting-edge solutions that improve various areas of education, providing interactive learning platforms, personalized learning experiences, and online learning platforms.


    Lifelong Accelerated Learning
    MagniLearn is an Israeli education-as-a-service company that offers AI-based personalized learning adaptable to any curriculum, textbook, or content. The company specifically targets the B2B sector, concentrating on K12 schools, higher education, and adult learning. MagniLearn forms partnerships with book publishers and content providers, empowering them to convert their monolithic content into adaptive and personalized learning experiences. Using AI and NLP technologies, along with neuroscience and cognitive principles, the company has developed a linguistic engine that understands where learners are struggling and adapts its lessons in real-time to match individual needs. This versatile technology is designed to accommodate remote teaching and learning, making it suitable for online tutoring, homework assignments, remedial sessions, flipped classrooms, and mixed-ability settings. It can be seamlessly integrated with a physical textbook or utilized as a standalone digital course. MagniLearn was founded by three Ph.D. experts from the Hebrew University. The company has been recognized as an “AI Tech for Good” partner by Microsoft accelerator and is backed and funded by Labs02, OurCrowd, Reliance Industries, and the Israel Innovation Authority.



    Hebron Road 24, Jerusalem, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Hebron Road 24, Jerusalem, Israel

    Eyeway Vision

    Wearable Immersive Augmented Reality System
    EyeWay Vision is developing a wearable augmented reality system that provides an immersive experience on the go.



    Yehonatan Netanyahu St 3, Or Yehuda, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    100 Century Center Ct, San Jose, CA 95112, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Yehonatan Netanyahu St 3, Or Yehuda, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    100 Century Center Ct, San Jose, CA 95112, USA


    Marketplace for Live Online Classes
    Amphy is a live video teaching platform connecting instructors and students across the globe. The platform enables teachers to access an audience previously out of reach while allowing students to enjoy the benefits and convenience of learning from home. Amphy is an offshoot of the public digital marketing solutions company Adcore.



    Allenby Street 105, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    50 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
    245 Saint Kilda Road, St Kilda VIC, Australia
    240 Richmond St W, Toronto, ON, Canada

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Allenby Street 105, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    50 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
    245 Saint Kilda Road, St Kilda VIC, Australia
    240 Richmond St W, Toronto, ON, Canada


    Engagement and Collaboration Tools for Websites with Video Content
    Annoto is an in-video collaboration and engagement solution that turns passive one-way video streaming/video-on-demand into an active group experience by enabling users to actively participate. The solution is supported by comprehensive analytics and insights that facilitate dramatic improvements to content, communications, and measurable outcomes. Annoto seamlessly integrates and works with any type of website without influencing its infrastructure, layout, or media platform. It provides an innovative user experience for threaded discussions on video and call-to-action tools.



    Moshe Dayan Street 14, Petah Tikva, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Moshe Dayan Street 14, Petah Tikva, Israel


    Cloud-based Intelligent Learning Platform
    Quonder is a learning marketplace offering tailor-made lessons that dynamically blend snippets of knowledge in order to make learning easily accessible to anyone. Combining a data-driven approach with behavioral science, the company's lessons automatically adjust based on each users characteristics, skills, and knowledge level. Quonder also guides lesson creators in developing effective lessons. Quonder aims to help people share their knowledge and achieve success through learning.



    Arieh Shenkar Street 1, Herzliya, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Arieh Shenkar Street 1, Herzliya, Israel


    Music Education Platform and Marketplace
    Tonara is a music education company seeking to harness the power of technology in order to advance music education. The company’s flagship app and platform, Tonara Studio, motivates music students to practice and enables their teachers to track practice sessions and keep them engaged between lessons. The company has also developed Tonara Connect, a music education marketplace that connects music teachers and students worldwide on a digital platform.



    Eliezer Kaplan St 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    228 Park Ave S, NY, New York 10003, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Eliezer Kaplan St 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    228 Park Ave S, NY, New York 10003, USA


    Digital Learning Platform for Higher Education
    Engageli is developing a platform that enables higher-education institutions to provide students with an inclusive and engaging learning experience while integrating seamlessly with existing learning management and student information systems. Engageli's platform encompasses a host of tools designed to enrich the inclusive digital learning experience, including table groups and dynamic breakout sessions, instant integration of polls, quizzes and interactive exercises to test knowledge of course content, and gallery view and fixed seating with real-time engagement data for instructors to better interact with students, regardless of class size.



    Nissim Aloni Street 10, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    San Mateo, CA 94403, United States

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Nissim Aloni Street 10, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    San Mateo, CA 94403, United States


    Online Content Creation
    Emaze is a cloud-based application for creating websites and presentations. With more than 80 million presentations created since its inception, the company has expanded its services to include customizable websites, blogs, photo albums, and eCards that can be created and shared in minutes. The company's HTML5 technology eliminates the need for knowledge of coding or web design and provides user-friendly tools that enable live social media feeds, photo and video content, webpages, GIFs, shopping, and more. With an all-inclusive platform that features hundreds of professionally designed templates, Emaze enables millions of users to create, share, and analyze their content from a single location. Emaze was created by Visual Software Systems Ltd.



    HaNehoshet Street 10, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    367 Santana Row, San Jose, CA, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    HaNehoshet Street 10, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    367 Santana Row, San Jose, CA, USA

    Fan-Ye Tutor

    Blockchain-based Decentralized Platform for Mobile Learning
    Fan-Ye Tutor is a blockchain-based decentralized platform for mobile learning and an all-in-one app designed to improve students' outcomes. The platform provides a virtual learning space that includes digital textbooks, language learning with a speech engine, recorded video lessons, augmented-reality apps, assessment, and test preparation. The platform provides engaging and immersive personalized and AI-powered adaptive quizzes for students and their educators. Training is led remotely by an automatic tutor (or human) for in-class or after school hours. The platform helps students solve math questions and suggests similar questions that the student can practice with to improve their understanding of math concepts. Fan-Ye also provides speech recognition to help with English and Mandarin pronunciation. Blockchain technology is used to properly protect students' credentials and educators' intellectual property. The platform was developed by MCLP Ltd.



    Qiryat Ono, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Qiryat Ono, Israel

    Maximal Learning

    Edtech Solution Based on AI
    This company is a known business entity but lacks sufficient data to support a standard Finder profile.



    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices


    Online Textbook Service
    Classoos is an online textbook service for primary and secondary schools. The company's catalog features digital textbooks from all leading publishers and follows GCSE, IGCSE, National 4 and 5, AS and A-Level/(Advanced) Higher, Edexcel, OCR, AQ-A, IB, and more shared OER content. Applying interactive layers to content, Classoos is available on tablets, desktops, smartphones, and the web.



    Glil Yam, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    1 Hallswelle Road, London NW11 0DH, UK

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Glil Yam, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    1 Hallswelle Road, London NW11 0DH, UK


    STEM Video Tutorials and Study Guides
    Proprep is an education technology company that develops video content, including thousands of exercises, powered by a technology that customizes courses in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) according to the specific needs of university students and institutions of higher education. The company operates worldwide under a variety of brands, including Gool in Israel, Proprep in the United States, and Proprep UK in the United Kingdom. Proprep was developed by Kvasir Education.



    Beit HaLevi, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    London N3, UK
    London N3, UK

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Beit HaLevi, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    London N3, UK
    London N3, UK


    AI-powered Summarization Solution
    Upword is focused on building the next generation of knowledge technologies. The company has developed a content summarization platform designed for students, writers, analysts, doctors, lawyers, executives, and other knowledge workers. Based on summarization models and unique datasets, Upwords solution aims to help users read, think, and write more quickly. Upword also indexes personal knowledge and creates knowledge graphs so that users can better contextualize what they already know.



    Ariel Sharon Street 4, Giv'atayim, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    730 Arizona Ave, Santa Monica, CA, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Ariel Sharon Street 4, Giv'atayim, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    730 Arizona Ave, Santa Monica, CA, USA


    Video Production Solutions
    Wochit develops advanced cloud-based video creation platforms. The companys wide array of products are designed to empower people of all backgrounds and skill levels to create high-impact videos at scale and with unprecedented speed. Used by hundreds of media companies and brands, Wochits video storytelling platforms combine deep knowledge of digital video production with a library of over 200 million commercial and copyright-free images and videos from leading professional and social sources, enabling the quick creation of one-of-a-kind visual stories.



    HaArba'a Street 21, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    12e East 33rd Street, NY, New York, USA
    9 Appold St, London EC2A 2AP, UK

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    HaArba'a Street 21, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    12e East 33rd Street, NY, New York, USA
    9 Appold St, London EC2A 2AP, UK

    Geospatial Search Platform
    Stops is a geospatial platform designed to revolutionize the way customers socially interact with location-based content and products. Stops helps companies and businesses drive customers to physical locations where their products are served by turning them into 3D smart locations using geospatial and augmented reality (AR) technology. The company’s new form of geospatial search enables consumers to find the products, brands, and even facts that are closest to them and securely share their location-based content. Stops also provides consumers with a new way to engage with any type of content at these locations, including coupons, AR experiences, and contactless payment and entry solutions. The Stops team has created a full proof-of-concept for Android, iOS, Apple Watch, and the Web as well as beta apps for navigation consoles, AR glasses, and other types of smart wearables. Stops provides a complete ecosystem, including a groundbreaking geo-based messenger, to keep people inside the app and engaging with social and local content while helping companies and influencers establish a realm of premium content. Stops is fully GDPR compliant and does not track its users by default. Stops’ AR is fully patented and trademarked in the U.S., and the company is currently piloting B2B services with T-Mobile, Yellow Pages, and other partners.



    Tel Aviv, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Tel Aviv, Israel

    Wilco Tech

    Upskilling Platform for Software Developers
    Wilco Tech is focused on empowering every developer to unlock their full potential, regardless of their background or skill level. The company's solution aims to assist companies to Increase onboarding success rate, reduce training times, and optimize engagement with Wilco’s lifelike, hands-on training modules.



    Tel Aviv, Israel

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Tel Aviv, Israel

    Juno Journey

    Learning and Development Operations Platform
    Juno Journey is a learning and development operations platform that provides organizations with tools to onboard, train, develop, and engage their people automatically and in a personalized way. Juno connects all the dots throughout the employee lifecycle in an effort to eliminate hassle from processes that are managed across multiple disconnected systems. This gives human resources personnel, managers, and the employees themselves control and alignment over professional development in the company. Through Juno, companies across different industries (e.g., tech, banking, retail, construction, and more) with different needs can provide their employees with a clear growth journey that starts on their first day and continues throughout their time at the company, covering their onboarding, automatically assigning them to their professional trainings, measuring training effectiveness, and connecting these to skill growth that will ready them for their next role at the company. Juno was built as a flexible operations system that can be broken down to multiple different products, with each product dedicated to optimizing a specific learning and development outcome.



    Menorat HaMa'or St 3, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Menorat HaMa'or St 3, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel


    Student Training Platform
    Strigo is a web-based virtual classroom equipped with zero-setup practice labs for conducting hands-on training in fields such as programming, development and operations, and mathematics. By localizing the theoretical and practical aspects of training in one place, Strigo allows instructors to monitor students' progress while enabling real-time, hands-on collaboration.



    Carlebach St 12, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    New York, NY, USA

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Carlebach St 12, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    New York, NY, USA


    Product Troubleshooting Platform
    6ya is focused on reinventing customer support through its instant troubleshooting platform, providing instant help with any device or digital service by connecting people with real repair experts by voice or video on their smartphones. 6yas growth is fueled by an in-market customer base of more than 20 million members from its parent company, Fixya, which has also committed $5 million of its capital and brings 10 years of industry expertise to the table.



    Ef'al Street 25, Petah Tikva, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    2010 El Camino Real PMB 3103 Santa Clara, CA 95050

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Ef'al Street 25, Petah Tikva, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    2010 El Camino Real PMB 3103 Santa Clara, CA 95050


    Online Training and Knowledge Sharing
    myQuest is a training and learning system that's focused on creating real learning engagement. Using coaching, peer learning, and knowledge sharing, the company's solutions get 20 times higher engagement and completion rates than a learning management system. Using myQuest can maximize the return on training investment and improve learning outcomes for any organization.



    Gershon Shatz Street 16, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    222 East 56th Street, New York, NY, USA

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Gershon Shatz Street 16, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    222 East 56th Street, New York, NY, USA


    Educational Marketplace for Kids
    TinyTap offers over 180,000 interactive games created by teachers worldwide in a variety of subjects and in more than two dozen languages. The platform empowers teachers to easily create games for their students and then share them for free or as premium content in the TinyTap marketplace. Families can access thousands of teacher-created games for free or gain unlimited access to all 180,000 games by purchasing a premium subscription. Revenue is shared between TinyTap and the teachers, providing them with an additional source of income.



    HaNatsiv St 6, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    HaNatsiv St 6, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel


    Business School for Self-made Professionals
    Jolt is a business school designed specifically for self-made professionals. The company operates a network of campuses offering professional video courses to tech workers at every career stage. The courses are presented by internationally acclaimed experts and executives from leading tech companies, including Amazon, Google, Linkedin, and Netflix. Jolts mission is to give each of its students a competitive advantage.



    Shvil ha-Merets 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    550 S California Ave, Palo Alto, CA, USA
    34-37 Liverpool Street, London, England, UK

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Shvil ha-Merets 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    550 S California Ave, Palo Alto, CA, USA
    34-37 Liverpool Street, London, England, UK


    Alumni Networking Solutions
    Graduway provides software for alumni networking platforms and digital career communities, with more than 2,000 clients in over 40 countries. The companys give to get strategy of first providing alumni with value before asking them to give back has enabled its clients to broaden and deepen their alumni relationships. Graduway was founded with the goal of helping institutions engage throughout the whole alumni lifecycle, from prospective student to donor, by providing every student and alum with access to an accessible network offering career guidance and opportunities. Graduway also exclusively hosts the Graduway Leaders Summit, a gathering of thought leaders and professionals in the alumni relations and career services world.



    Yerushalaim Rd 34, Ra'anana, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    2815 Elliott Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States
    1 The Green, London E4 7ES, United Kingdom

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Yerushalaim Rd 34, Ra'anana, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    2815 Elliott Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States
    1 The Green, London E4 7ES, United Kingdom


    HCP Engagement by Patient Simulation Cases
    Edocate's platform engages healthcare professionals with medical content through realistic, gamified patient simulation cases. The platform enables its customers to create unique content in a form of virtual patient cases in a variety of therapeutic areas, focusing on chronic patient management. The platform provides its customers with insights into HCP decision-making, clinical gaps and variability in care, prescription patterns, guideline compliance and patient outcomes.



    Ahaliav St 10, Ramat Gan, Israel

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Ahaliav St 10, Ramat Gan, Israel


    Personalized Online Test Prep
    examPAL is an online platform providing academic and professional test preparation courses wrapped in an engaging gamified experience. The platform uses artificial intelligence to forecast a fast way for users to solve any problem by studying the way they think. This process is designed to allow users to improve significantly faster than they would with traditional one-size-fits-all solutions. examPAL was developed by World Wide Prep.



    Jabotinski 33, Ramat Gan, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    1671 Worcester Rd, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Jabotinski 33, Ramat Gan, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    1671 Worcester Rd, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA


    Online Learning Platform for Kids
    YaizY is an EdTech platform designed to help kids on their journey of lifelong learning by providing well-curated, high-quality courses in advanced subjects that will define the future. In addition to providing coding courses for kids, YaizY offers programs including multidisciplinary arts, Roblox gaming, engineering and robotics, entrepreneurship for kids, and more.



    Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    2261 Market St #4401, San Francisco, CA 94114, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    2261 Market St #4401, San Francisco, CA 94114, USA

    Fourier Education

    Science Education Technology Solutions
    Fourier Education is the developer of Einstein, an active and inquiry-based learning platform designed to empower teachers while providing students with an engaging science learning experience that combines inquiry-based experiments, interactive multimedia activities, and user-friendly analysis applications on any tablet or computer. The company’s comprehensive solution is based on four pillars: compact, portable data-logging devices; a data analysis software suite; over 60 sensors; and proprietary pedagogical curriculum materials. Fourier’s products are designed to automate and simplify the way data is collected, analyzed, and shared and are customizable for students from primary school through university. Students from over 60 countries worldwide have benefited firsthand from Fourier’s cost-effective computerized science laboratories.



    HaMelacha Street 16, Rosh HaAyin, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    8940 West 192nd Street, Mokena, IL, United States

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    HaMelacha Street 16, Rosh HaAyin, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    8940 West 192nd Street, Mokena, IL, United States


    Enterprise Gamification Apps
    Centrical is a gamification company focused on the use of rich graphical narratives to drive skillful change in organizations. Its solution is used by organizations to improve sales, customer support, and training. Centrical's graphical narratives range from sports and racing to virtual city-building and song contests. Through the use of an avatar, the platform accompanies employees throughout the workday and presents them with clear calls to action aligned with corporate goals and an engaging feedback mechanism. The company's solution is easy to implement due to its no-code integration and ability to work across many platforms, presenting enterprises with gamification that goes beyond points and badges. Centrical offers packaged apps for business scenarios including sales, customer service, onboarding and training, and knowledge collaboration. Centrical was named a cool vendor in "Cool Vendors in Human Capital Management, 2016" by the Gartner Research Group.



    HaSheizaf St 4, Ra'anana, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    462 Broadway, New York, NY, USA

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    HaSheizaf St 4, Ra'anana, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    462 Broadway, New York, NY, USA

    CodeMonkey Studios

    Game-based Computer Programming Curriculum
    CodeMonkey Studios offers a game-based learning platform that teaches students eight years old and older to code in a real programming language. The CodeMonkey curriculum is presented as a self-paced online game in which students advance through a progression of challenges. At each level of the game, students write real code to program a monkey to catch all the bananas on the screen. Each solution is checked and graded automatically, and students receive personalized instructions and hints to help them advance at a pace that is right for them. In December 2018, the company was acquired by Beijing-headquartered educational service company TAL Education Group. CodeMonkey will continue operating as an independent subsidiary of TAL and will be responsible for the research and development of programming tutorials for the Chinese market and others.



    Derech Menachem Begin 144, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    2345 Yale St, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Derech Menachem Begin 144, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    2345 Yale St, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA

    Sense Education

    Open-ended Assignment Feedback
    Sense Education is the developer of Sense, an artificial intelligence solution for finding patterns and providing personalized feedback in student assignments. Sense allows scalable and personalized education to go hand in hand, making open-ended assignments a scalable alternative to multiple-choice questions for computer science and other STEM courses with high enrollment. Sense can increase the quality and detail of personalized feedback while drastically reducing grading time and providing greater accuracy and equity in grading. Sense’s hybrid human-machine intelligence solution helps educators evaluate and provide feedback on open-ended assignments more efficiently and provides students with adaptive learning experiences through the use of artificial intelligence. Sense accomplishes this in two steps: first, algorithms detect patterns in student submissions and break down the answers into the typical 5 to 10 solution types or clusters. The educator then evaluates and provides feedback for each solution type rather than for each individual submission.



    Yigal Alon St 65, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    1 W 85th St, New York, NY, United States

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Yigal Alon St 65, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    1 W 85th St, New York, NY, United States


    Global Physician Community
    G-Med is a global physician-only community, reaching over 1 million verified physicians from more than 120 countries and 100 specialties. The company's medical crowdsourcing platform enables physicians from all over the world to collaborate to solve patient cases and earn honoraria from surveys and market research. G-Med's members can connect with local and global opinion leaders, participate in online educational activities, use peer-to-peer consultations to solve clinical dilemmas, and get answers from verified physicians in the relevant specialty. Members can use the power of the global medical community to shorten the diagnostic time and improve healthcare. G-Med's business solutions aim to connect life science companies and healthcare partners in order to drive physician awareness and gain deep insights about brand perceptions. G-Med aims to provide the global life science industry with practical, efficient, and community-based physician-engagement solutions.



    Yare'akh, Neve Ilan, Israel

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Yare'akh, Neve Ilan, Israel


    Math-learning Apps
    Matific teaches math for kindergarten through sixth grade using hands-on and interactive mini-games. The Matific solution was designed to provide optimal support for educators to convey math concepts in the most effective and engaging manner possible. The immersive, bite-sized apps for tablets and personal computers are based on a modular and progressive spiral learning system. They represent a blended learning approach, with teachers selecting relevant episodes and integrating hands-on math explorations into their own teaching format.Progressing from fundamental math objectives to increasingly challenging activities, the system encourages children to internalize mathematical insights and rules. Matific is produced by Slate Science.



    Jabotinski 7, Ramat Gan, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    37 East 28th Street, New York, NY, United States
    Av. Nicolas Boer, 399 - Jardim das Perdizes, So Paulo - SP, Brazil
    447 Kent Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Jabotinski 7, Ramat Gan, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    37 East 28th Street, New York, NY, United States
    Av. Nicolas Boer, 399 - Jardim das Perdizes, So Paulo - SP, Brazil
    447 Kent Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


    Games Based on Remarkable Women
    Toya is a female-led studio that develops video games and virtual goods inspired by the life stories of pioneering women. The company is currently focusing on Roblox, a powerful community-driven platform featuring democratic gameplay and an avid female audience. Toya’s games include My Farm, a farming game simulating the economics of multinational farms; and Miraculous, a Roblox game with superheroes as characters. Toya is committed to creating realms where players are not bound by the constraints of an imperfect world and can unlock their creativity and potential. Toya’s approach centers on developing nonlinear, open-ended games that showcase inspiring role models while enabling players to learn the critical skills necessary for succeeding in the outside world.



    Eduard Bernstein St 18, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Eduard Bernstein St 18, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel


    Training Platform for Gamers
    NOVOS develops a training platform for gamers who want to improve their skills. The companys methodology implements skill-building practices and uses machine learning to constantly optimize the training. NOVOS focuses on behavior and creates a long-term, effective training routine powered by humans and machines. Its methodology is based on proven principles from traditional sports and professional eSports teams.



    Beit Alfa St 19, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 6721919, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Beit Alfa St 19, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 6721919, Israel


    Music Education Apps
    Simply (formerly JoyTunes) is a music education company focused on sparking joy and creativity in homes around the world by empowering people to start, learn, and fall in love with new creative hobbies. The company’s top-grossing apps (Simply Piano, Simply Guitar, Simply Tune, and Simply Sing) are building a global consumer subscription business for creative hobbies in the area of music and beyond. Simply has over 1 million monthly downloads and hundreds of thousands of daily learners worldwide.



    Derech Menachem Begin 125, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Derech Menachem Begin 125, Tel Aviv, Israel


    Security Training Platform
    CybeReady offers a security training platform that moves organizations from security awareness to cyber readiness. The company provides a next-generation security training platform for enterprise employees. CybeReady addresses advanced threats with its adaptive training solution. The solution works completely autonomously and out of the box, engaging more employees, more effectively, more frequently, and with far less effort.



    Rav Ashi Street 5, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    3000 Scott Blvd ste 107, Santa Clara, CA 95054, United States

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Rav Ashi Street 5, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    3000 Scott Blvd ste 107, Santa Clara, CA 95054, United States


    Social Learning App
    Class.Me has developed a chat-based online learning center for schools, enabling effective social learning between classmates and teachers when it is needed most, such as during after-school homework and prior to exams. Class.Me offers a market network of virtual tutors to assist students while also providing teachers with significant insights about their class based on an in-depth analytics platform and future AI capabilities. The platform uses a proprietary artificial-intelligence machine to analyze student communications, from which it extracts unique insights regarding student academic activities, problems, and pedagogical challenges. By identifying struggling or excelling students, pointing out difficult learning material, and more, the platform can help schools optimize their curriculum accordingly. Class.Me is a safe and secure platform that is COPPA, FERPA, and CCPA compliant. Class.Me has been funded three times by the Israeli Innovation Authority. The company currently works with over 100 schools in Israel, as well as with schools in New York and Los Angeles.



    Pinkhas Shainman Street 6, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    New York, NY, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Pinkhas Shainman Street 6, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    New York, NY, USA

    TABI Learning Technologies

    Personalized Digital Learning Platform for Students with Learning Disabilities
    TABI Learning Technologies has developed an interactive platform that automatically personalizes displayed data to accommodate any type of learning difficulty or disability, with a focus on visual disorders. Through the use of an innovative, true-color ePaper display that looks and feels like paper, TABI eliminates cognitive and visual stimulations for an improved reading, writing, and typing experience that is personalized for visual challenges. TABI is a brain-computer interface based on unsupervised machine learning. Its tailor-made technology is designed to simultaneously track and enhance attention, concentration, and cognitive-visual focus, serving as teacher-student intermediary for improved communication. The company's proof of concept involved 200,000 students, 200 schools, and three languages, in totally heterogenous environments. The solution is endorsed by the Ministry of Education, leading municipalities, and educational centers. TABI has registered two patents for its invention.



    Jerusalem, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Jerusalem, Israel


    Semantic Search Engine for Math
    Symbolab, developed by EqsQuest, is an advanced math education tool that allows users to learn, practice, and discover math topics using mathematical symbols, scientific notations, and text. Using proprietary machine-learning algorithms to understand the meaning and context of the queries, the site aims to make scientific content universally accessible by expanding the searchable data space to scientific notations, expressions, equations, and formulas. Symbolab provides automated, step-by-step solutions for algebra, trigonometry, and calculus, covering middle school through college. The tool offers numerous smart calculators, including for equations, simultaneous equations, inequalities, integrals, derivatives, limits, tangent line, trigonometric equations, and functions.



    Haim Levanon Street 59, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Haim Levanon Street 59, Tel Aviv, Israel


    AI-powered Speech Tutor for English Language Learning
    SpeakingPal aims to change the way people learn a second language by enabling them to interact with a virtual video tutor and receive instant pronunciation feedback, all through their mobile devices. SpeakingPal’s natural speaking experience is powered by speech-recognition technology and scoring logic. SpeakingPal allows for multiple answers, enabling the user to take control of the conversation so that each dialogue can take a different path as SpeakingPal listens, understands, and responds accordingly. Users can complete the curriculum and advance through all levels of English training by the A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2 ratings of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In schools, SpeakingPal provides an equal opportunity for all students, regardless of their location or background. The company’s service enables teachers to focus on those students who require human attention while allowing others to practice with the virtual tutor.



    HaBarzel Street 19, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    HaBarzel Street 19, Tel Aviv, Israel


    Training and Communication Platform
    Bites boosts engagement and retention over existing learning management systems by offering compelling training content coupled with follow-up activities designed to reinforce learning. The flexible nature of the platform enables distributed and remote workforces to stay current on company practices, policies, and products without the need to install or adopt new apps or tools. Bites operates worldwide with customers across a range of industries and currently has more than 200,000 active users.



    Retsif Herbert Samuel Street 46, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    188 Grand St #394, New York, NY 10013, USA

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Retsif Herbert Samuel Street 46, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    188 Grand St #394, New York, NY 10013, USA


    AI-based Coding Assessment Platform
    Altooro is a B2B tech training and coding assessment platform designed for enterprises and hyper-growing startups. The AI-based platform provides a suite of automated tools designed to easily evaluate software engineers. Altooro was developed by the Loop community.



    Haifa, Israel
    Nazareth, Israel
    Tel Aviv, Israel

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Haifa, Israel
    Nazareth, Israel
    Tel Aviv, Israel


    Special Education Learning Platform
    Amplio connects students, educators, and administrators with advanced technologies to help students with special needs maximize their potential and improve outcomes. The company’s digital platform equips students with individualized, high-fidelity interventions; enables educators to devote more time to direct instruction; and provides administrators with a 360º view into student progress, resources, compliance, and funding. Amplio’s solutions are developed in consultation with parents, a world-class advisory board, professors, and school administrators with expertise in special populations. Tens of thousands of students have received services and interventions using the Amplio platform since the solution was launched in 2019.



    Ha-Atsma'ut Street 39, Haifa, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    6110 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20852, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Ha-Atsma'ut Street 39, Haifa, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    6110 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20852, USA


    Streaming Video Cooking Classes Taught by Master Chefs
    YesChef is a premium streaming video platform where anyone can learn the art of home cooking from some of the world’s best chefs teaching in their own exclusive, cinematic video classes.



    Arye Shenkar St 1, Herzliya, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Arye Shenkar St 1, Herzliya, Israel


    Personal AI English Tutor
    Loora is on a mission to transform education and eradicate language barriers through its cutting-edge AI technology. By creating the world's first personal AI English tutor, Loora provides learners with an accessible, reliable, and always available conversation partner, who can engage in any topic, provide instant feedback on language skills, and guide them on their journey to fluency. This innovative solution can empower over a billion English learners worldwide, enabling them to conquer language obstacles, access better opportunities, and unlock their full potential.



    Yitzhak Sadeh St 8, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Yitzhak Sadeh St 8, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel


    AI-based Learning Bot
    Tailor-ED is reshaping workplace training to meet the demands of a world where technology shifts rapidly and the race for new skills never ends. We help CHROs and L&Ds deliver workforce training faster, better and cheaper. We achieve this by identifying knowledge gaps and offering a learning assistant with personalized training paths, integrating smoothly into the daily workflow via tools like Slack and Teams. With the expertise of our team from Stanford, Google, and 8200, combined with our proprietary AI models and LLMs, we've established paid pilots with MasterCard, Verint, and Remilk. Additionally, we've formed strategic partnerships with platforms like go1 and Udemy.



    HaHashmonaim St 43, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    HaHashmonaim St 43, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Skillset Media

    Online Educational Platform for Sports Tutorials
    Skillset Media is developing an online educational platform for sports tutorials. The company's platform offers users an opportunity to learn skills through pre-recorded short tutorials and courses from world-class athletes. The company's mission is to partner with top athletes from a wide range of sports fields and produce a diverse catalog of high-quality courses.



    Refidim St 55, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Refidim St 55, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel


    Audio-visual Guidance Platform for Website Visitors
    Toonimo offers a cloud-based platform that enables businesses to showcase the key features of their websites by acting as a guide for site visitors. Using customized rich content and natural language, Toonimo intelligently guides website visitors, delivering assistance at just the right time. The platform aims to generate an increase in website usability and effectively encourage self-service, boost conversion rates, and increase engagement with visitors to the site. Toonimo harnesses its intelligent decision engine in order to better service its visitors.



    Sderot Sha'ul HaMelech 4, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    1216 Broadway, New York, NY, USA

    Primary sector

    Retail & Marketing

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Sderot Sha'ul HaMelech 4, Tel Aviv, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    1216 Broadway, New York, NY, USA

    Ginger Software

    Mobile Keyboard and Writing Enhancement Apps
    Ginger Software creates apps and products designed to help people communicate more productively and efficiently on their mobile devices and desktop computers. The company's mobile keyboard and writing enhancement apps utilize an advanced text-analysis engine that uses statistical algorithms in conjunction with patented natural-language processing (NLP) technology to contextually understand text and intention.



    Ahad Ha'Am Street 9, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    131 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Ahad Ha'Am Street 9, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    131 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA, USA

    Curiosity Robotics

    AI-driven Robots for Early Learning
    Curiosity Robotics is developing early childhood education solutions by using artificial intelligence to teach English to toddlers. In collaboration with Tel Aviv University and the Curiosity Lab, the company has created an emotionally intuitive, AI-driven robot that engages and captivates young learners while fostering social-emotional development. Drawing from a deep understanding of and connection to the Helen Doron pedagogy, Curiosity Robotics' technology enables children to explore and learn English with the loving guidance of the company's first robotic companion, Aico.



    Raoul Wallenberg St 24, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Raoul Wallenberg St 24, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel


    Application Enablement Platform
    Guidde provides an application skills development platform designed to help global companies unlock the potential of their organizational digital stack, shorten time to knowledge, and continuously upskill their employees, partners, and customers. Guiddes solution enables users to collaboratively create, maintain, organize, find, and share context-aware video content in conjunction with any app.



    Arye Shenkar St 1, Herzliya, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    Belmont, CA, USA

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Arye Shenkar St 1, Herzliya, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    Belmont, CA, USA


    AI-powered End-to-end Localization Services
    BLEND is an end-to-end technology-based multi-market enabler that helps brands localize their business offerings based on a unique understanding of local context, culture, and consumer behavior. The company provides customers with a comprehensive platform, offering localization services such as content translation and transformation, global marketing, and regulatory services. BLEND leverages OneHourTranslation's AI-driven language technology, 25,000 expert linguists, and an advanced tech stack to help global brands establish a native presence in fundamentally different markets, worldwide. BLEND is founded upon a strong global community of linguists, powerful AI-driven natural-language-processing technology, and premium customer service led by experienced localization managers. BLEND's technology stack includes custom integrations with Google Cloud Translation, Amazon Translate, ModernMT, SYSTRAN, KantanMT, DeepLPro, and other neural machine translation engines, as well as a wide selection of TMS integrations and customized API-driven workflows.



    HaAhim MiSlavuta St 11, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    Bucharest, Romania
    Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Kiev, Ukraine
    Atlanta, GA, USA
    Shanghai, China

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    HaAhim MiSlavuta St 11, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    Bucharest, Romania
    Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Kiev, Ukraine
    Atlanta, GA, USA
    Shanghai, China

    Thrive DX

    Cybersecurity Education Platform
    ThriveDX is a global cyber education company with a commitment to reskilling the workforce and upskilling the industry in the area of cybersecurity. ThriveDX tackles both the talent shortage and the skills gap by partnering with educational institutions to launch cyber-training centers and boot camps worldwide, and by providing cyber-training and simulation platforms to help corporations and government agencies protect against emerging cyber threats. The company changed its name from Cybint to ThriveDX after being acquired by HackerU.



    Shoham St 5, Ramat Gan, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    171 Chin Swee Road, Singapore
    2121 Ponce de Leon, Coral Gables, FL 33134, USA
    Via Boncompagni, 79, Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
    33 Finsbury Square, London, UK

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Shoham St 5, Ramat Gan, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    171 Chin Swee Road, Singapore
    2121 Ponce de Leon, Coral Gables, FL 33134, USA
    Via Boncompagni, 79, Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
    33 Finsbury Square, London, UK

    AI-based Collaborative Knowledge Analytics Tool is an AI decision-making platform that helps teams make decisions in the workplace, in a more streamlined and efficient manner. Users can manage the entire decision-making process on, from posing the question, to holding the discussion, and then finally making the decision. moderates the entire discussion and pushes the leading decisions up to help users make better decisions more quickly.'s scoring engine is a smart algorithm that helps organize the discussion. The score is based on a smart peer review and data analytics based on the discussion structure and similar past discussions. Each discussion is stored in a graph database, and Bayesian and machine-learning algorithms then decide the score. also follows the activity of each participant to decide their domain expertise and include this information in the scoring mechanism. Analysis on the typical behavior of different departments is also incorporated into the algorithm. was developed by Epistema Ltd.



    Rothschild Blvd 63, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    225 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Rothschild Blvd 63, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    225 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA, USA


    Digital Training Platform
    enabley is a SaaS training platform created specifically to meet the needs of customer-facing teams, both internal and external. The companys solution is designed to positively affect the bottom line of any business by leveraging innovative training technologies, all within the normal workflow. enabley utilizes advanced technologies such as AI, natural language processing (NLP), microlearning methods, and advanced measurement algorithms to make training creation and delivery fast, easy, and intuitive for everyone.



    Derech Menachem Begin 11, Ramat Gan, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    655 Third Avenue, New York, NY, USA

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Derech Menachem Begin 11, Ramat Gan, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    655 Third Avenue, New York, NY, USA


    User-Generated-Content Platform
    Spectalix’s revolutionary white-label video platform for consumer apps and websites helps brands tap into user-generated content (UGC) and transform all of their users into influencers. Brands lost their fans to social media platforms, especially apps with cool video technologies, such as TikTok and Instagram. However, brand content cannot be monetized, and companies cannot tap into UGC due to a lack of moderation. Spectalix created a revolutionary UGC platform for content-heavy brands in sports and entertainment, as well as young consumer brands and advertisers. Spectalix introduces a unique white-label UGC platform that allows users to seamlessly place themselves in promotional videos of the brand using only their phone camera. Now, a fan can interact with a football player, act in a TV show, or star as a spokesperson. The user can share these highly engaging clips on all social media platforms, which will draw more people to the brand's app. We protect our partners with automatic moderation of user content. Our platform allows for substantial monetization of branded content through sponsors and advertisers (banners, pre-roles, and native advertising). They, too, will enjoy outstanding exposure from the viral user content on social media. Our platform can easily be integrated into an existing content app, launched as a standalone native app, or accessed through a web browser in no time.



    Jerusalem, Israel

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Jerusalem, Israel

    Safe School

    Creating a Safe Digital Environment for Schools and Municipalities
    Safe School Analytics is a one-stop-shop solution for K-12 schools that aims to create an empowering environment for children and teenagers in schools, at home, and on social networks. The company works with hundreds of schools in Israel and cooperates with multiple municipalities. Safe School's solution gives educators contemporary tools to assess their students' social and emotional challenges and provides the proper media and educational content to focus on meaningful education instead of merely teaching, combining innovative media, education, and data-driven technology. Safe School's platform enables teachers to design their life skills curriculum to their own students' social-emotional needs and their current challenges on social media platforms.



    Borochov Street 54, Giv'atayim, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Borochov Street 54, Giv'atayim, Israel

    YCD Multimedia

    Digital Signage Solutions
    YCD Multimedia provides powerful digital signage solutions that give users the opportunity to build engaging, interactive multimedia experiences specific to their needs. Together with its diverse partner network, the company delivers targeted, immersive, dynamic content aligned with both the user’s interests and those of their customers. YCD Multimedia’s flagship product, Cnario Suite, delivers rich, creative content with better-than-broadcast playback quality in nearly any size or resolution. Combined with SMS feeds and live broadcast capabilities, YCD’s digital signage software suite makes it possible for users to create immersive and engaging custom content.



    Shefayim, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    no.19 Hulan West Road, Baoshan, Shanghai, China
    119 W 24th St, New York, NY, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Shefayim, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    no.19 Hulan West Road, Baoshan, Shanghai, China
    119 W 24th St, New York, NY, USA

    Screenz Live

    Online Video Platform
    Screenz Live is a global marketplace for lectures, courses, live events, and master classes from local experts. The company's platform enables local creators to manage, distribute, and monetize their video. Featuring content across diverse categories of wellness, knowledge, skills and inspiration. The company was founded by The Box and is a separate business entity of Screenz.



    Tel Aviv, Israel

    Offices Abroad

    New York, NY, USA

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Tel Aviv, Israel
    Offices Abroad
    New York, NY, USA


    Online Education Network for Careers in Technology
    Masterschool is a network of expert-driven schools specializing in different technology areas. The company provides a platform where tech creators, recognized industry leaders, or tech companies can launch their own online school, allowing them to train and mentor students with a curriculum that prepares them for careers in the most in-demand technology roles. The Masterschool platform serves dozens of schools that are training students in fields such as software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, and more.



    Yitzhak Sadeh Street 9, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

    Primary sector

    Content & Media

    Total funding


    Funding stage


    Number of employees



    Israel Offices
    Yitzhak Sadeh Street 9, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel